March 2019

The penultimate month of this Masters program primarily consisted of studying and studying and some more studying. We had to compile all the information we had learned from the year in Medical Pharmacology for the NBME Shelf Exam. As painful as that process was, I believed that the exam was actually quite confirming. It helped me believe that when I take the exam for real in a few years in medical school, I have the capability to do well on it! Now that I said that of course I will get back a terrible score on the exam... as it always goes. Even though this has signified the end of Med Pharm, I still have been busy studying for the MCAT next month. As the date approaches, I get more and more anxious about how successful I will be on this attempt. I believe that this is the final piece I need for my application to medical school (which honestly puts more pressure on the date). But a friend of mine told me to approach the test as an opportunity to succeed rather than a do or die which I find a much healthier mindset for any hurdle in life.

Aside from all the studying, I was able to attend my first crawfish boil! While I struggled to get to the insides of the crawfish, I still found it very filling and a great outside experience with friends! Hopefully, after the MCAT, I can attend more of them. In addition to the crawfish boils, I have been able to continue to volunteer at KiPP (although not as frequently as I would like to). Once days look to be much freer and full of KiPP hours!

6 hours this month of service work.

12 total hours.


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